Judicial Separation
A legal separation allows you to live apart, without divorcing or ending a civil partnership. You can apply for a judicial separation for the same reasons/grounds you could file for a divorce or end a civil partnership.
Want to get judicial separation instead of divorce or dissolution? Contact our experienced divorce & family law solicitors in Manchester for legal assistance.
You may want a legal separation if:
- you have religious reasons against divorce
- you've been married or in a civil partnership for less than a year
- you want time and space to work out if you want to end the marriage or civil partnership
What is the difference between divorce and judicial separation?
The difference between divorce and judicial separation is that a divorce ends the marriage, whereas a judicial separation does not.
It's important to understand the differences between the two, as it can help you choose the right option for your individual circumstances. Although judicial separation is quite unusual, there are times when it will be preferable to divorce.
For instance, if religious or cultural beliefs do not tally with divorce, or if one person has developed an illness such as dementia so that divorce seems like an excessive option.
Before you apply for judicial separation
You must decide whether you want to make a joint application with your husband or wife or whether you want to apply on your own.
Making a joint application with your husband or wife
You can make a joint application if both of the following apply:
- you both agree that you should get a legal separation
- you’re not at risk of domestic abuse
If you want to apply for help with fees, both of you must be eligible to qualify.
Applying for a legal separation on your own
Make a sole application if either of the following apply:
- your husband or wife does not agree you should get a legal separation
- you do not think your husband or wife will cooperate or respond to notifications from the court
Arrangements for children, money and property
You and your husband or wife can choose to work out:
- arrangements for looking after any children
- child maintenance payments for any children
You can also divide your money and property.
You can usually avoid going to court hearings if you agree about children, money and property.
How can we help with judicial separation?
Judicial separation is a very difficult decision to make and should never be taken lightly. Our team of family law solicitors is aware of the sensitivity in this matter and every individual is in a different situation.
To make your life easier, you can seek expert legal help from the family law solicitors at MCR Solicitors. Our team of family law solicitors are highly trained and experienced in all aspects of judicial separation law and will guide and support you each step of the way.
We will cut through the legal jargon and ensure you understand exactly what's happening at all times. Our team of expert family law solicitors will provide the required legal help and guidance with a step-by-step procedure for getting a legal separation in the UK.
We can also act for the respondent to the application for legal separation.
Need legal advice & assistance?
Our highly experienced family law solicitors offer legal support in a sensitive and efficient manner to reduce the distress to you and your family. We're authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA), so you know you're in safe hands.
Contact our divorce and family law solicitors today for a free initial consultation and assessment.
You can call us on 01614661280 or leave your details here for a callback request regarding your legal matters.